Adding dialogue

In writing we have been looking at different techniques to make our writing better.

we have been adding dialogue to our writing. here is an example of dialogue.    ruckus

”it’s mine” bob demanded.

”no” shouted ben

”give it” bob screamed.

The Number Game

each morning with Mrs. Pratt, we do the number target game.



The number target game is where we have a certain amount of numbers we have to make a number. I like how sometimes you only get one away from the target but sometimes you get a different answer. Sometimes it is really challenging because sometimes it’s a high number with low numbers to work it out with. Today I focused and I also used multiplication.   I wonder if you can make the number we did today.





draw all you can art

draw all you can is an art project that you can do with a group of people to make an amazing

drawing.  in  the group that  I was  archie mac  and Sophie l we all  had fun making the drawing our theme was the superhero.

I hope you like it please leave a comment do you like our art?